
About Save Orange County, Inc.

Mission Statement

Save Orange County, Incorporated exists to establish a community of interest and to effect necessary amendments and changes to county ordinances or state statues for the preservation of rural and agricultural lands and rural lifestyles.

Vision Statement

To raise public awareness and provide the necessary platforms for elected officials to be informed of their constituency's desires for the utilization of land and development of rural areas.

Our History

Save Orange County, Inc is a neighborhood, grass-roots organization. In 2012, faced with more encroaching development in their rural area, 16 neighbors got together and said, "enough is enough!" Knowing that many of the East Orlando residents were against high density housing in the area rural community, they decided to form Save East Orlando, to promote keeping rural zoning rural. Along the way Save East Orlando, realizing that rural communities all over Orange County were under attack and in danger of being transformed into high-density neighborhoods, changed their name and Save Orange County, Inc was born. Now with over 11,000 petitions against the coming Lake Pickett Developments, they are ready to make sure that the will of the local community is heard by Orange County leaders. Please join the fight and volunteer, sign the petition, and/or donate to this important cause. And thank you for sharing our page with your friends and neighbors! Together we can make sure that the will of the people prevails!

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